The achievements of the Third Crusade should never be
under-estimated. The disaster at Hattin had destroyed the native Christian
forces in the crusader kingdoms, and within months nothing was left of the
Kingdom of Jerusalem except the city of Tyre. Yet by the end of the Third Crusade,
the crusader kingdoms had been re-established, and indeed strengthened by the
establishment of a Latin Kingdom on the island of Cyprus that provided the
crusader kingdoms with a secure source of food and protection from Muslim
Castle of Kantara -- just one of the great fortresses on the island
Nevertheless, Jerusalem had been lost, and this inevitably altered the
dynamics of crusading in the following century. Saladin had proved that the
Christian kingdoms were vulnerable, and this made it easier for subsequent
Muslim leaders to inspire to their followers with religious zeal. Meanwhile, in
the West, crusaders and crusading had lost the aura of invincibility. Men
increasingly doubted God’s Will when it came to the crusades. But the process
was slow. Five more crusades – or six depending on how one counts – occurred
before the last outpost of Outremer fell to the Saracens in 1291.
The first of these crusades was preached by Pope Innocent III
already in 1198. Enthusiasm for this crusade was notably diminished compared to
the three earlier ones. No king, nor any important nobleman, was prepared to
lead it, and financing was so short that when the crusaders reached the port of
embarkation, Venice, they were unable to pay for transport. The Venetians
offered to provide the shipping for “free” – in exchange for crusader help in eliminating
their (Christian) commercial rival, the city of Zara. Over the vehement protest
of many participants -- and the Pope! -- and after much soul-searching, the crusade’s commanders
agreed to do Venice’s dirty work, but they were no closer to Jerusalem.
At this juncture, a deposed Byzantine emperor sought the aid
of the crusaders, alleging that he would be welcomed with jubilation by the
people of Constantinople and offering huge rewards. The crusaders took
Constantinople, only to find that the people did not welcome the deposed
prince. A coup soon brought another emperor to power, one hostile to the
crusaders, and the troops were unpaid and in worse straights than ever. At this
juncture, Venice proposed taking the wealthy city of Constantinople on their
own account, and on April 13, 1204, the erstwhile crusaders captured and sacked
one of the greatest Christian city in the world.
Although this action was repudiated by the Pope and reviled
by many devout Christians throughout Western Europe, the damage had been done.
Although Western barons held control of Constantinople and much of what is modern
Greece for 60 years, all hope of unity between the Eastern and Western churches
was destroyed, and the strength of the Byzantine Empire as a bulwark against
Islam was broken.
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