“Salah ad-Din!” Sir Tancred shouted as he drew up beside Balian. “He’s
getting away!” He pointed after a man in magnificent brocade tunic hunched over
the back of a camel he was flaying into a gallop.
turned Gladiator to pursue and felt him lurch. The stallion’s hip dropped away
and Balian nearly fell backwards out of the saddle. He looked down and back,
and saw the horrible gash that had cut open the stallion’s flank. Blood was
pouring out of the wound and Gladiator would not put weight on his hip. Tancred
and other knights of the King’s squadron were flying after the fleeing Sultan,
but Balian could not join them. He paused to catch his breath and looked around
at the battle field.
floor of the ravine was littered with Saracen dead, scattered equipment,
trampled tents, toppled field kitchens and panicked horses still running this
way and that. Here and there, at the fringes, the Templars were still
slaughtering, but there was no organized resistance, only pockets of desperate men
determined to sell their lives dearly. Others, however, were on their knees
begging for mercy of the secular knights, while farther away, the Christian
foot-soldiers were trying to stop some of the fleeing Muslims.
Balian thought with sudden clarity now that the danger was past. The young men
who had rushed to Salah ad-Din’s defense were surely men of quality. If he
could take just one or two of them captive, he would be a made man: maybe even rich
enough to marry a dowager queen. He flung himself down from Gladiator and
strode back to the men Gladiator had so effectively cut down, his sword drawn.
survivors were still there: the man who had taken a hoof in the face was
sitting cross-legged holding a blood-soaked cloth to his face and swaying back
and forth in pain. Beside him, the man with a broken shoulder was hunched in
pain, while a third man, or youth really, tried to bind it in a sling. They
looked up at Balian’s approach, their eyes widening in alarm, and the youth who
was not wounded leaped to his feet and brandished his sword.
raised his sword over his head, and addressed him in Arabic. “I’ll kill you if
you want, but your army is destroyed, your Sultan has fled. Throw away your
sword and surrender to me, and you will live to grow a beard.”
young man hesitated, but the man with the broken shoulder called out between
clenched teeth. “It is enough. Enough widows and orphans among the Believers
this day.” Then turning to Balian he declared. “We are your prisoners. All of
then the King trotted up beside Balian. “I think,” he declared cautiously,
still not daring to believe what he saw, “I think, the day is ours.”

A landless knight,
a leper king,
and the struggle for Jerusalem.
A divided kingdom,
a united enemy,
and the struggle for Jerusalem
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